
Baby chicks bring Spring joy to care home residents

Spring is finally here, and residents at Burscough Manor Care Home have been joined by some very special guests to mark the occasion!

Three baby chicks arrived at Burscough Manor Care Home in Lancashire, much to the delight of residents and staff who have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the fuzzy little creatures.

The chicks were delivered to the home this month by Emily’s Mini Farm, a poultry farm based in Oswaldtwisle, who provide bespoke animal experiences such as ‘the chick experience’, where they can be delivered to care homes, schools and nurseries.

The experience includes looking after the little chicks for a week, feeding and playing with them in the comfort of your own home.

Residents and staff at the care home spent a week with the chicks, who were happy to be picked up, cuddled and petted, and were even given names by residents of the home!

Patricia Elliott, 75, is a resident at Burscough Manor and helped care for the chicks during their stay. She said: “My mum used to have chicks, and we loved caring for them and looked forward to the fresh eggs we’d have once they had grown up. Having the chicks here at the home with us for a week brought back lovely childhood memories for me!”

Bringing back such positive memories for residents is just one way the home supports their wellbeing and mental health.

Lizzie Brighouse, Manager at Burscough Manor Care Home, said: “Spending time with animals brings great health benefits for older people. Research has shown that petting something fluffy and cute helps to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and stabilise heart rate.

“Memory is also a great tool for helping to create a sense of wellbeing in our residents, and interacting with the chicks brings back strong positive memories of our residents’ childhood pets.

“The residents loved having the chicks staying within the home. The happiness and smiles they provided to everyone was fantastic!”

After spending a week with residents at Burscough Manor, the chicks have returned to the farm to live a happy, free ranging life.

For further information about Burscough Manor Care Home, visit: https://www.sandstonecare.co.uk/our-homes/burscough-manor/


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